Marigold flowers, also known as Calendula Officinalis are a plant most often used to brighten up a garden or flower bed. It’s a popular choice because it’s pretty and is super easy to grow. Personally, I was inspired to write about Marigold after my beautiful granddaughter, but what many people don’t know is that their cheerful garden-addition is a valuable herbal remedy.
Calendula, also known as “pot marigolds”, are usually a bright golden colour. They are often mistaken for “common marigold” or Mexican marigold, which are very different and are members of the Tagetes genus family. They don’t offer the same medicinal benefits as calendula, so it’s crucial when looking for the herbal remedy that you know what you are after and look for CalendulaOfficinalis.
"Calendula is such a soothing and calming skin herb when used topically,” says herbalist Dawn Marie Dillon. “I use Calendula in every baby soap and salve I make.”
The flowers of Calendula have been used for centuries for a variety of ailments and health problems. Typically applied topically to treat skin ailments and conditions, Calendula is anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antiviral, with astringent properties and can be used for:
Healing wounds
Soothing burns
Boosting your immune system
Regenerating collagen
Liver, gallbladder, and uterine tonic
Soothing rashes
Calming scrapes, cuts, bites, and other minor wounds
General skincare
Using Calendula
The best time to grow fresh calendula is in Summer, but you can source dried calendula from various suppliers all year round. If you think that this flower may be of benefit to your health, speak to us about maximising it's use to suit your needs.
With love for Marigolds, Rose xx
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