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Autumn Buckwheat Porridge

Do you want to have breakfast with me? You can never get a better nutritional start to your day than with this morning routine and my immune boosting method. It is especially warming as the weather also gets slightly colder.

Buckwheat is also a choice answer for vegans who are constantly prodded with the question “but how do you get enough protein?”. One cup of buckwheat groats [cooked] has around 6 grams of protein. That’s almost the amount of one large egg.

Buckwheat has more protein than rice, wheat, millet or corn and is high in the essential amino acids lysine and arginine, in which major cereal crops are deficient. Its unique amino acid profile gives buckwheat the power to boost the protein value of beans and cereal grains eaten the same day. Though it is usually thought of as a grain, buckwheat is actually the seed of a broadleaf plant related to rhubarb. As it is not a grain, buckwheat contains no gluten and is therefore safe for people with gluten allergy or celiac disease. While it is not a true grain, it is used like one in cooking, and it surpasses rice, wheat and corn on almost every measure of healthfulness. Rice, wheat, and corn are all high on the glycemic scale, thus provoking a quick spike in blood sugar levels, a proven promoter of systemic inflammation. Buckwheat, on the other hand, ranks low on the glycemic scale.

If that wasn't enough, here are 3 more reasons to eat buckwheat:

  • Buckwheat proteins and the relative proportions of its amino acids, make buckwheat the unsurpassed cholesterol-lowering food studied to date.

  • Buckwheats protein profile also enhance's the reduction and stabilising of blood sugar levels following meals —a key factor in preventing diabetes and obesity.

  • Finally, buckwheat proteins reduce the activity of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), thereby reducing hypertension.

Click the image below to grab a free printable recipe card, and make sure to get in touch if you have any questions!


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