Walnuts have so many health benefits and they're a great addition to your meals. As with most nuts, walnuts are best devoured straight from the shell. This is because they have not been exposed to light and oxygen and minimises the chance for moulds to grow or for the natural oils to turn rancid.
You can find walnuts in their shell at farmers markets or quality produce stores. Below are 7 ways to enjoy them when they are in season:
Mix crushed walnuts into plain yogurt and top it off with maple syrup or honey.
Add walnuts to salads or sautéed vegetables.
Purée walnuts in a blender or food processor with your favourite herbs and spices. Add enough olive or flax oil so that it achieves a dip-like consistency. Serve as dip!
Add walnuts to your favourite fruit smoothie.
Dehydrate overnight or for 6-8 hours, or to roast walnuts at home, do so gently—about 75°C oven for 15-20 minutes—to preserve the healthy oils.
Make homemade walnut granola: Mix together approximately 1/2 cup of honey, 3 to 4 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses, a tablespoon of vanilla, a dash of salt, and a teaspoon each of your favourite spices, such as cinnamon, ginger and/or nutmeg. Place 6-8 cups of organic rolled oats in a large bowl and toss to coat with the honey-blackstrap mixture. Then spread on a cookie sheet and bake at 135°C for 45 minutes or dehydrate over 8-12 hours. Cool and mix in 1/2 to 1 cup of walnuts. This is your granola mix.
Walnut mylk is a delicious vegan option for milk.
I hope you enjoy the unique and complimentary flavour of walnuts across many of your plant-powered dishes, and if you have any suggestions for how you like to use walnuts - pop it in the comments below.
With love, Rose x