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Ylang-Ylang - Essential Oil Spotlight

“Ylang-ylang essential oil is wonderful for anchoring the spirit back into the body. It reminds us of all our blessings, all that’s already working, all the good in the world, and why being exactly who we are is the privilege of a lifetime. Ylang-ylang is a euphoric scent that inspires us to get powerfully present. Clinically, I use it all the time when treating depression, anxiety, or disassociation.” — Rosemarie Walmsley, ND.

In aromatherapy Ylang ylang is used for anxiety, stress, anger, irritability, tension, shock, and insomnia. It has calming, balancing, sedative properties widely used to combat many forms of stress. With its romantic aroma ylang ylang also has a long history of use as an aphrodisiac and sexual stimulant– relieving tension and imparting joy.  It can help support breakthrough in blockages of fear and timidity around intimacy providing a sense of relaxation and letting go. It is said the scent of Ylang ylang can calm the passions of jealousy by generating the ability to feel more loveable.

The scent encourages enthusiasm, uplift, and is considered an anti-depressant. It is one of the best at relaxing the mind and body as it sweetly soothes jangled nerves and emotionally charged states. Renowned Aromatherapist Valerie Ann Worwood says that ylang ylang “may soften the hard-hearted and allow those who use judgement against others to feel the soft seduction of heaven”—beautifully put indeed.

The scent when inhaled, stimulates the adrenal glands, supports the thymus gland, and also stimulates the immune system and liver. Topically, when diluted, it is antiseptic and antifungal and is a great addition to your herbal “all purpose” healing salves. Ylang ylang being a sedative, can help lower mildly elevated blood pressure even just a few drops of the essential oil diluted in a carrier oil (jojoba, olive oil etc.) and applied topically over the heart area of the chest can have a remarkable effect in promoting relaxation, and calmness. Ylang ylang is antispasmodic and relieves muscle spasms, also relaxes nerves, stimulates circulation, and is effective for musculoskeletal cramps and digestive cramps—making it a nice addition to massage oil blends.

Ylang ylang essential oil is especially suited in skin care for treating dry, mature skin, but will benefit any skin type. It promotes healthy supple skin, balances oil production, gently stimulates circulation, and strengthens the capillaries. Ylang ylang soothes a dry scalp and indigenous people of the tropics have long mixed ylang ylang in coconut oil to use as a hair and scalp tonic, and to protect hair from salt water damage (add 3-4 drops of essential oil to every ounce of conditioner or ¼ cup of coconut oil).

When using ylang ylang essential oil—remember it is highly concentrated and powerful in its scent intensity. A few drops go a long way and too much can be over-powering—potentially causing a headache. So, when I blend with ylang ylang it is always one drop at a time and I smell as I go. I aim for a delicate but rich floral addition, while not letting it dominate over other scents I have chosen to combine it with. In my experience people respond most positively to the scent of ylang ylang oil in light amounts. I recommend starting with just 1-3 drops per 30ml of carrier oil.  You can always add more drops to your blends, but you can’t take them back out! Ylang ylang combines nicely with many other essential oils such as: bergamot, clary sage, vetiver, most citruses (blood orange, mandarin), spice (cardamom), and wood oils (sandalwood, cedarwood).

Now time to enjoy the gifts of Ylang ylang to caress your skin and soothe your soul!

How to Use

Topical: Apply 2-4 drops directly to desired area. Dilution not required, except for sensitive skin.

Aromatic: Diffuse up to 10 minutes 3 times daily.

Caution: Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use. Not intended for use during pregnancy. Not intended for children under the age of 6 without the advice of a health professional.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dark place.

Other Uses:

  • Rub on your wrists and neck to leave a calming, floral fragrance you can smell throughout the day.

  • Use Ylang Ylang’s moisturising properties as part of your skin care regimen by adding the oil to a neutral lotion or non-comedogenic carrier oil.

  • Add a couple of drops to coconut oil for a deep-conditioning hair treatment that will leave hair smelling floral and sweet.

  • Put a few drops into a hot bath to unwind after a long day.


Ylang ylang (Cananga odorata) † flower oil

†100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil


Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil is available in 5ml and 15ml bottles for purchase here, or in consultation with Rosemarie.


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